Friend and colleague, Caryn Gootkin, issued this plea today on behalf of the publication The Big Issue. Aside from telling news content, the publication's motivation is to provide employment for the marginalised in our society. Please consider what you can do, if only to spread the word about the crisis faced by this fine initiative.
I’ve been involved with The
Big Issue for over a decade. I can therefore personally vouch for the
integrity of the organisation and its staff, and for the life-changing service
they offer to the vulnerable and marginalised in our society.
Despite this, those of you who know me well will realise
that writing emails like this one does not come naturally to me and that I
wouldn’t do so if the situation wasn’t dire.
TBI survives partly on fundraising and partly on earned
income from advertising in and sales of the magazine. In our current economic
climate all three of these streams are running dry. Our MD, Trudy Vlok, whom
I’ve copied on this mail, is currently filling two full-time roles as she is
sole fundraiser on top of running the organisation. Despite her continued
efforts, the funder’s budgets are getting tighter and tighter and, as I’m sure
you’ve read, TBI is not the only NGO affected. Those of you in the publishing
world will know that similarly advertisers are cutting their costs too. The
crunch affects our readers too and sales are dropping despite the high quality,
thought-provoking read The Big Issue has become.
This appeal, however, is not for the organisation itself,
nor its staff. I appeal to you on behalf of the vendors: the men and women who
have come to TBI as a last resort when they had nowhere else to turn. They
courageously brave the elements and the disparaging attitudes of some people to
be at their pitch day in and day out, trying to put food on their table without
having to beg.
If TBI can’t pay its staff, which is the reality it faces at
the moment, there will be nobody to produce the magazine and nobody to provide
the essential social support services to the vendors. The knock-on effect will
be enormous.
Please, I’m appealing to you from the bottom of my heart,
help the Big Issue. Pass this email on to anyone you think may be able to help.
You are welcome to speak to Trudy on 021-461-6690 or 083-973-9232 or mail her
on The Big Issue is
always open to trade exchanges and advertising deals.
But, if you are simply a member of the public with a desire
to make a difference, let me know and I’ll send you the bank details. (Please
use CRISIS PLEA and your name as a reference and email Trudy a copy of the
deposit slip and your details so that she can thank you personally. )
Let’s save this organisation that performs such a vital role
in the lives of so many South Africans.